Aquarius House is Ownes by
Saturn (Sani). Moon sign (Rashi)
Aquarius means
that Moon was present in
Aquarius Sign in birth time. If you do not know your moon
sign, Please
generate free Horoscope Prediction to know this. Please note that this
is not Western Sun sign based prediction.
Moon Astro Brings Free monthly report for
Aquarius Moon Sign.This prediction
is based on Indian Vedic Moon sign (Rashi) based astrology.
Aquarius Kumbha, april 2020: Health Prediction:
The start of the first week may find you to be in aphysically fit condition, which might deteriorate as the month approaches thesecond week. Also, as the month enters the second week, you may have livercomplications. The second week may bring you moderate health. Your livercomplications may continue as the month progresses towards the midmonth, also,you might be depressed, irritable. The rest of the month may bring you goodhealth but your mental health may suffer from depression or anxiety.
Aquarius Kumbha, april 2020: Business and Job Prediction:
You might find profit in the first week of April regardingyour business. Also, your works might be hindered at the onset of the month,but as April progresses, your job might give you appraisal. Your business maybring you profit and you may receive appreciation in your place of work in themiddle of the second week. Though as the month progresses, you might find yourbusiness suffering from loss or less profitable due to your fault. Also, youmight be indulged in confrontations in your job at this time of the month. Asthe month progresses towards the fourth week, your luck seems to be supportingyou in your job and business respectively. Also, if you want to initiate anynew task this time of the month may be lucky for you. Towards the edge of themonth, your business may flourish but you might have a chance to be in debt. Ifyou are a serviceman, then the edge of the month may bring you the authority ofan essential job.
Aquarius Kumbha, april 2020: Financial Prediction:
The initial days of the first week may bring you gain ofmoney but your financial condition may be unbalanced. The rear of the firstweek may bring you gain of income. The second week may find you spending yourmoney moderately due to the visit of your relatives, resulting in theinstability of your finance. Also, you might lose money due to betrayals. But, whiletravelling, you may gain money. Though at this time of the month may bring yougain of income but your financial condition may not be stable. You may also bein debt at this point of the month. The midmonth may find your source of incomeobstructed. Though the initial days of the fourth week may bring you instabilityof your finance, the tip of April may find you gaining money.
Aquarius Kumbha, april 2020: Educational Prediction:
You might be fortunate in the early days of April in thematters of your education and studies. The rest of the month may be lucky foryou concerning your education.
Aquarius Kumbha, april 2020: Social Life Prediction:
The start of the month may include conflicts of interestwithin your family, and your planning not being able to be executed properly. Yourfamilial life might be peaceful. Also, the rear of the month may find you beingsuccessful and reputed. There might be confrontations and a feeling of excitementat the start of the second week. Also, your relations may assist you along withyour friends. As the month moves towards the mid of April, you might be disturbedas you might face familial conflicts and betrayals by your friends. Yourpopularity might increase and you may find new connections and you may find cooperationwhile you strive for your success at the rear of the month.
Aquarius Kumbha, april 2020: Love and Married Life Prediction:
The first week of April may bring you some discomfort andstress regarding your illicit affair. Otherwise, your love life and marriedlife may be moderately blissful.